Friday, January 2, 2009


I woke up yesterday, the first day of 2009, with no pain. I had trouble putting my right sock on and had to sit down. But I'm used to this. At this point, it may just be stiffness. The gym was crowded on New Year's Day, but the pool wasn't, so I paddled around and generally worked on motion. All good news. This morning, I felt even better and actually managed to get both socks on while balancing on alternate legs. Another big plus is that when I sneeze, my lower abs don't hurt - It's been a while since I could last claim that. I expect to be sneezing much more in the coming weeks. If I don't have any more setbacks, I'll run next Saturday. The trick will be to start easy and build strength over several months. I'm in terrible shape. But I'm encouraged.

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